Home Learning Resources

Mental Health Resource: Lahey Behavioral Health 978.521.7777

The following link provides Enrichment Resources that HPS has compiled:


The following link provides Educational Resources that the MA Department of Education has complied: https://www.doe.mass.edu/covid19/ed-resources.html

Hunking Highlights:

Music with Mrs. Rico, Hunking Music Teacher! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JTKXoWPsSU

Reading with Mrs. VanDoren, Hunking Special Education Teacher!  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCegpG5u5eqWNUkBF6IWtoxA

In honor of World Down Syndrome Day Mrs. VanDoren read a special story Love Is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wASn-9XkGL4

Ms. McKean and Ms. Brooks created a calendar of Occupational Therapy activities: Occupational Therapy Hunking

Physical Education activities: Physical Education Activities

Tie Dye with Mr. Rosa, Art Teacher! The following link is to Mr. Rosa’s YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1MPQRFBnipWy1bTRlBfj8g

He will do lessons daily at 11:00am (except grade 3 will be at 10:00am):

Monday – Kindergarten

Tuesday – Grade 1

Wednesday – Grade 3

Thursday – Grade 4 & 5

Friday – Grade 6

Specials Bingo: Specials Bingo Hunking