Bobcat Bulletin 3/21/25

MCAS SCHEDULE: MCAS season is once again nearly upon us. Our grades 3-8 students will be participating in the state’s annual MCAS testing. This is still a very important assessment for our students and measures our progress as a school in comparison to other schools in our district and throughout the state of Massachusetts. Students participation in this test is of utmost importance.

Please find the link to the MCAS schedule below, where you can find out exactly when your student(s) are scheduled to test.

MCAS Calendar 2025


Literacy Night: The Hunking Literacy Team is happy to announce that we will be hosting a Literacy Night, here at Hunking, for grades K-5. This event will take place Thursday, April 10 5-6:30 in the cafeteria. Come enjoy an evening of literacy games with the literacy coaches and interventionists. The highlight of the night will be playing BINGO for Books! You will also receive information about our June Scholastic Book Fair and reading tips for home. 

Please sign up here, to be sure we have enough snacks and prizes:



ATTENDANCE MATTERS CONTEST: This March we will be celebrating all of the reasons “Attendance Matters”.

Each week we will raffle off prizes to students who make it in to school each day that week This is a weekly contest, so if a student misses a day one week, don’t worry there is always the next week. 


March 2025 Contest English

Portuguese March 2025 Contest

Spanish March 2025 Contest



THEME OF THE MONTH: We are embracing the theme of GRIT throughout the month of March. Grit is courage or resolve; strength of character. Grit is courage and determination despite difficulty. Grit is a personality trait characterized by perseverance and passion for achieving long term goals. Grit entails working strenuously to overcome challenges and maintaining effort and interest over time despite failures, adversities, and plateaus in progress. Staff will be on the lookout throughout this month for the students who best personify this theme. 



(If you have trouble accessing the menus, please go to and enter “Hunking” as the school location.)






Anne Frank Exhibit: Hunking will be hosting a traveling Anne Frank Exhibit. Ten 8th grade students were trained to become tour guides and will lead 6th-8th grade students on guided tours. On Thursday, April 3rd, from 4:30-6, Hunking will be hosting a night for families and community members to come and experience the tour. 


K-Registration: 2025 -K Registration Flyer (1)


Community Action Flyer: Community Action Flyer



  • Our annual Spring Spiritwear Sale runs from March 10th to April 1st! There’s 20% savings across the entire site, as well as exciting new designs and product lines. Check it out at!

  • Our next PTO Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 3rd at 5:30pm in the Hunking Conference Room! Please join us if you can! 



School Counselor: Terri Carney


HHS CTE decisions will be emailed on March 29th. 

If you are accepted to HHS CTE, you must respond (accept or decline) no later than Friday, April 11th. 


Whittier decisions will be emailed on April 1st. If you are accepted to WVT, you must respond (accept or decline) no later than April 15th. 


Work Permits: Find all the information needed to obtain a work permit here:




Kindergarten-Second grade: We are so excited to present our K-2 Spring concert! The concert will take place here at Hunking school and will start at 1:15pm. Please see the attached flyer for more information.



7th Grade: Social Studies students have been working on their Spring DBQ essay. Students examine the ways Ancient Greece contributed to the modern world. Some of the contributions include jury trials, democracy, and theatre. 


8th:  In Math students have begun the last Math Module, Functions and Bivariate Statistics where students learn that a function relates inputs and outputs in such a way that each input is assigned one and only one output.  In ELA students have created a commercial advertisement or PSA as well as a poster to display their knowledge of rhetoric strategies of persuasion using Pathos, Ethos, and Logos.  In science, students are learning about genetics. In Civics, students are going to start planning for their final project.

Also, with allergy season upon us and flu/cold season sticking around, we are in desperate need of tissues and antibacterial wipes for our classrooms again!  Any donations would be greatly appreciated! 

Some of our eighth grade girls were invited to attend a young women’s leadership conference “Calling All Girls” at Northern Essex Community College on Friday. They were able to hear from powerful female leaders and politicians and attended workshops on key topics that affect their lives. In attendance were: Ella Lassonde, Crystal Soto, Emily Bourque, Zoe Hernandez, Jessica Gendi, Katie Thao Truong and Hadley Rochon. 



NEWS FROM OUR NURSES:  Spring is just around the corner which brings milder weather but also allergies. The health office does not have allergy medication, so please have your child take allergy medication if needed before coming to school. Also please send your child in with a water bottle.

There is a measles outbreak nationwide. As of March 13, 2025, a total of 301 confirmed* measles cases were reported by 15 jurisdictions including Massachusetts. If you are a parent or guardian that vaccinates, please make sure we have your child’s most current immunization record. If there is a breakout at the school, your child will be excluded for their safety if they are not up to date with their immunizations. For more information, please see the link below.

If your child has a physical, please send a copy to the health office. It is important for the health office to be updated on any changes to your child’s health. If your child will be absent for a health issue, please call the health office at 978-420-1913 or for any health related issues.




Volleyball: Volleyball schedule for the week of 3/24-3/28/25. Games on Monday 3/24 (Sacred Hearts at home-Girls first) and Wednesday 3/26 (at Whittier Middle school-Boys first). Girls’ practice Thursday, 3/27 3-5pm and Boys’ practice Friday, 3/28 3-5pm.  


Spring Track: Attention Bobcat parents! Early sign-ups for Spring Track tryouts are officially open! (Click here!) We will be holding tryouts and capping participation again this year, so please sign up as soon as possible! We are hoping to have 20 runners per grade for grades 5-8. 

Once we are nearing capacity I will be sure to post an update in our Track Family Remind Class

If your student athlete is interested in participating please take time to review our expectation guide as we adhere to these guidelines without exception. This packet can be found posted in our Remind class.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, the best way to connect with Coach Law is via our Remind group! (link above)

Here’s to a season of positive vibes and negative splits! 

Your Kiddos Biggest Fans,

Coaches Law & Gibbs 




Academic Bowl: Junior & Senior Team will practice Monday 3/24 from 2:45 – 3:30. Semi-finals will be Tuesday 3/25 starting @ 4:00 at the Hunking. Stay tuned for the order of when we will play and when students need to arrive.


Guitar Ensemble:  Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday afternoon in Mrs. Fairbrother’s room after school until 3:30! 


Drama Club:  Say it 3 times! Beetle Juice Jr. is coming. Apr 11, 2025 at 7:00 PM and Apr 12, 2025 11:00 AM and 2 PM. Tickets go on sale soon, please stay tuned.  As a reminder rehearsal schedules are posted in Google Classroom. A donations list will also be posted in the next bulletin. 


Chorus: Please see the March chorus calendar here: March Chorus Calendar


Student Council:   Meeting & Agenda Calendar can be found here. Student Council met today to discuss our field trip to the Museum of Illusions in conjunction with NJHS on April 16th.  Permission slips need to be read carefully (transportation and times have changed), signed and returned asap.  If there are questions or concerns please email an advisor (Mrs. Corkum. Mrs. Mansour or Mrs. Bielski).  Also on today’s agenda: SC tee-shirt order, teacher appreciation week, Earth Day, and continuing projects.


NJHS: The NJHS calendar can be found here. Please continue to check this sign-up for PTO meetings, Literacy Night, as well as check Google Classroom and your personal email weekly.  Make sure you get a permission slip for the Museum of Illusions outside of Mrs. Kelly’s room. Report cards are DUE to one of your Advisors.


GSA: The calendar for the GSA can be found here


LEGO Club: The LEGO Club calendar can be found here.


Yearbook: The yearbook is $20 ($18.82 + tax) and includes 2 free pages you can personalize with your own photos and memories. Click here for the informational flyer. The custom pages are optional, but if you decide to customize your pages they must be complete by May 9, 2025. Sign in and complete your custom 2 free pages!





-Please make sure that your student(s) are coming to school daily with a fully charged chromebook. 


HPS has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the Chromebooks that students have been issued. The cost of coverage for the year is $20 and includes accidental damage, loss, fire, and theft. As of right now, families have the option to sign up during the month of September (we will let you know if it extends). After sign up closes, only new students will be given a special code to sign up at registration. Our website explains SDC and has instructions on how to signing up online:


-Please make sure that you are sending your student(s) with a water bottle. We have a limited supply of cups and we do not have access to water fountains, only water bottle filling stations. 


SCHOOL POLICIES: Please click on the link below to review Hunking policies including cell phone, dress code, and pick up & drop off procedures: