EARLY RELEASE DAY: Wednesday, March 12th is an early release day for all students. Dismissal will be at 11:05am.
2ND TRIMESTER REPORT CARDS: 2nd trimester grades officially close on Monday, March 10th. Report cards are scheduled to be available to view on the parent portal on Monday, March 17th.
3RD ANNUAL MULTICULTURAL NIGHT: We are excited that we are now less than 1 week away from our 3rd Annual Multicultural Night. Please join us on Thursday, March 13th from 5:00-7:00pm right here at Hunking for this family-facilitated event where you can come and enjoy and celebrate the customs and culture of so many of our Hunking families!
You do not need to register to attend, but students MUST be accompanied by an adult at this event.
In honor of Multicultural Night, we are having a Spirit Week next week as well. Please see the attached flyer:
ATTENDANCE MATTERS CONTEST: This March we will be celebrating all of the reasons “Attendance Matters”.
Each week we will raffle off prizes to students who make it in to school each day that week This is a weekly contest, so if a student misses a day one week, don’t worry there is always the next week.
THEME OF THE MONTH: We are embracing the theme of GRIT throughout the month of March. Grit is courage or resolve; strength of character. Grit is courage and determination despite difficulty. Grit is a personality trait characterized by perseverance and passion for achieving long term goals. Grit entails working strenuously to overcome challenges and maintaining effort and interest over time despite failures, adversities, and plateaus in progress. Staff will be on the lookout throughout this month for the students who best personify this theme.
Congratulations to all of our winners of February’s theme of Friendship & Acceptance:
Hunter B |
Greyson C |
Stella A |
Travis B |
Avery C |
Kyla W |
Genevieve R |
Valentina R |
Delaney V |
Isla B |
Brianelle G |
Reid E |
Emma M |
Chase C |
Harper M |
Aubrie S |
Jordanae P |
Leo D |
Sienna L |
Joshua O |
Yelianie G |
Taylin P |
Josmaily V |
Leigha L |
Tyler I |
Tyler P |
Addy L |
Mark P |
Kaleesi S |
Jenalys R |
Jenializ F |
Jadalynn D |
Adrian V |
Lexie P |
Anthony S |
Ada A |
Elizabeth C |
Lydia F |
Paige I |
Claire D |
Jim C |
Jayneli A |
Aubrey B |
Fernanda R |
Jax G |
Ayannalee F |
Gwen F |
Greyson B |
Angelissa R |
Kairos G |
Jackson S |
Blake S |
(If you have trouble accessing the menus, please go to www.fdmealplanner.com and enter “Hunking” as the school location.)
Read Across America: For those lower school students who are participating in the Read Across America reading log challenge, be sure to bring your completed reading logs back to school on Monday, March 10. Mrs. Bisegna will come to your classrooms to give out prizes. Reading logs must be signed by a parent or guardian in order to receive a prize.
Literacy Night: The Hunking Literacy Team is happy to announce that we will be hosting a Literacy Night, here at Hunking, for grades K-5. This event will take place Thursday, April 10 5-6:30. More information will be coming soon!
K-Registration: 2025 -K Registration Flyer (1)
RB Baseball: Riverside-Bradford English (1)
Riverside-Bradford Spanish (1)
- Our annual Spring Spiritwear Sale begins next week! There will be 20% savings across the entire site, as well as exciting new designs and product lines. Check it out at https://1stplace.sale/40727!
- Our next PTO Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 3rd at 5:30pm in the Hunking Conference Room! Please join us if you can!
School Counselor: Terri Carney terri.carney@haverhill-ps.org
*CTE Interviews will be held on March 13th and March 14th at Hunking
Interview schedule is posted in the 8th grade hallway as well as on the 8th grade google classroom.
HHS CTE practice interview questions are at the bottom of the page:
Whittier Interviews have been completed. Whittier decisions will be emailed on April 1st.
Work Permits: Find all the information needed to obtain a work permit here:
4th grade: We had a special visit from Massachusetts Environmental Officer Nick Anderson today! As part of our reading curriculum, Wit & Wisdom, we recently finished reading Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. Hatchet is about a 13 year old boy who uses survival skills to survive a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness. Officer Nick spoke with our students about wilderness survival and his experiences as an environmental officer. The students enjoyed the presentation!
7th Grade SS: Gold team students participated in a gallery walk to view their classmate’s posters on Ancient Greece. We were thrilled that some families could come as special guests to join in the gallery walk and vote for their favorite poster. The posters will be displayed next week during the Multicultural Night.
8th Grade: Grades close Monday 10th which is the beginning of our 3rd trimester. WVT interviews have been completed and next week begins CTE on the 13th and 14th. Remember that the questions are provided here.
Beginning Monday the 10th is our Double Good Popcorn fundraiser for students going to Washington DC. Students need to register in order for funds to be directly deposited into their personal account.
Our fundraising window begins on March 10, 2025, at 12:00 PM and goes until March 14, 2025, at 12:00 PM.
Before the fundraiser begins:
- Download the Double Good app
- Enter our event code YCHWAS in the app
- Create your Pop-Up Store
NEWS FROM OUR NURSES: We will be wrapping up Postural/Scoliosis screening for all 5th through 8th grade students. This screening is to check the spine for scoliosis and is required by the state. The screening requires the exposure of the student’s back for assessment so we request girls wear a sports bra for gym class. The screening is done in a private space and done during gym class. If you would like your child to be opted out of this screening, a written note needs to be sent to the health office either by email or paper. We would also need a current physical showing the child was screened by his/her doctor for your child to opt out. If you have any questions or concerns, you may reach the health office at 978-420-1913.
Spring is just around the corner which brings milder weather but also allergies. The health office does not have allergy medication, so please have your child take allergy medication if needed before coming to school.
Volleyball: Congratulations to both Girl’s and Boy’s Volleyball Team for winning their first game of the season! Schedule for this upcoming week is Girl’s practice Monday 3/10 3-5pm, Boy’s practice Thurs 3/13 3-5pm and we will be having Coed practice Wednesday 3/12 3-5pm. Volleyball game against Consentino at home on Tuesday 3/11, boys are scheduled to play first.
Spring Track: Attention Bobcat parents! Early sign-ups for Spring Track tryouts are officially open! (Click here!) We will be holding tryouts and capping participation again this year, so please sign up as soon as possible! We are hoping to have 20 runners per grade for grades 5-8.
Once we are nearing capacity I will be sure to post an update in our Track Family Remind Class
If your student athlete is interested in participating please take time to review our expectation guide as we adhere to these guidelines without exception. This packet can be found posted in our Remind class.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, the best way to connect with Coach Law is via our Remind group! (link above)
Here’s to a season of positive vibes and negative splits!
Your Kiddos Biggest Fans,
Coaches Law & Gibbs
Academic Bowl: Junior & Senior Team practices will be Tuesdays from 2:45 – 3:30. Here is the schedule for practices & competitions. There was a change for meets – Tuesday 3/11 @ Hunking. Competitions will start at 9:15 alternating starting with Juniors or Seniors.
Guitar Ensemble: We are continuing to welcome new members in grades 5-8. We meet on Friday afternoons until 3:30 in Mrs. Fairbrother’s room. A reminder that no guitar or experience is necessary.
GRIT: A NEW round of GRIT will be starting soon!! All 7th and 8th graders who have never been in GRIT, but are interested in the opportunity, may apply starting next week. It is the last chance of the year to be in GRIT. Applications will be posted in all the Google classrooms for health. Ms Curry will also be sharing information with all 7th and 8th graders on a class by class basis during health. The new GRIT group will begin after school on Monday, March 24. All meetings run until 4:30.
Chorus: Please see the March chorus calendar here: March Chorus Calendar
Tri-M Music Honor Society: We are busy preparing for Multicultural Night! Due to the early release day on Wednesday, we will meet Monday March 10th after school until 3:30 to go over final details, anyone who can attend please come! Students are asked to come to school to prepare for Multicultural Night at 4:15pm.
Student Council: Student Council hosted a MarioKart Tournament for our 3rd & 4th grade students this week. These students sure are fun and competitive! This may need to become an annual event! Congrats to our top 4 racers and thank you to everyone who helped us out!
Meeting & Agenda Calendar can be found here.
NJHS: The NJHS calendar can be found here. Please continue to check this sign-up for PTO meetings, Google Classroom, and your personal email weekly.
GSA: The calendar for the GSA can be found here.
LEGO Club: The LEGO Club calendar can be found here.
Yearbook: The yearbook is $20 ($18.82 + tax) and includes 2 free pages you can personalize with your own photos and memories. Click here for the informational flyer. The custom pages are optional, but if you decide to customize your pages they must be complete by May 9, 2025. Sign in and complete your custom 2 free pages!
-Please make sure that your student(s) are coming to school daily with a fully charged chromebook.
HPS has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the Chromebooks that students have been issued. The cost of coverage for the year is $20 and includes accidental damage, loss, fire, and theft. As of right now, families have the option to sign up during the month of September (we will let you know if it extends). After sign up closes, only new students will be given a special code to sign up at registration. Our website explains SDC and has instructions on how to signing up online:
-Please make sure that you are sending your student(s) with a water bottle. We have a limited supply of cups and we do not have access to water fountains, only water bottle filling stations.
SCHOOL POLICIES: Please click on the link below to review Hunking policies including cell phone, dress code, and pick up & drop off procedures: