3RD ANNUAL MULTICULTURAL NIGHT: It is your last chance to sign up to help facilitate and share your culture with us here at Hunking, and we are looking forward to your participation and assistance with this upcoming event!
We are excited about our upcoming 3rd Annual Multicultural Night! If you are interested in participating and sharing your culture with the Hunking community, please click the link below to sign up/register:
As previously mentioned, Hunking’s 3rd annual multicultural night is meant to celebrate our diverse community! This is a vibrant event that celebrates the rich diversity of our community. Our mission is to foster an appreciation for cultural diversity by providing engaging opportunities to share and learn about the many different cultures here at Hunking.
This fun night is family-facilitated—the idea is for students & families to volunteer to share pieces of their culture with others. Please join us on Thursday, March 13th from 5:00-7:00 p.m.
During our first event, we had 24 countries represented across our school community, and at last year’s second annual event, we were able to showcase 26 countries. We are most certainly hoping to equal if not surpass our first 2 events, but we need your help!
Sign ups to participate and showcase your cultural heritage are open through today, Friday, February 28th (please just click on and sign up using the link above).
If you are not sure what you are able to share, here are some of the things that have been shared in the past…
This could include but is not limited to:
- Presenting your country’s flag
- Sharing your favorite cuisine
- Music and/or dance
- Art
- Fashion
- Games
- Stories
- Traditions
- Anything else that showcases your heritage and culture
This night will also include a showcase of student work, a fashion show, and raffle opportunities.
And speaking of raffle opportunities, we are putting together baskets with different themes and will sell raffle tickets for them at the multicultural night. If you are able to donate an item to go in a basket we would greatly appreciate that. Please click on the link below for more information.
Once again, we hope that you will join us on what is arguably the best night of the year here at Hunking!
Please stay tuned next week for more details on how to sign up to attend.
Read Across America Week (K-4)!
Next week is Read Across America Week! In honor of this special week, students in grades K-4 will be encouraged to fill out reading logs each night. Students that complete their reading log each night with a parent or guardian signature will receive a prize from our Literacy Coach, Mrs. Bisegna. The directions are on the reading log. If you have any questions, reach out to Mrs. Bisegna.
ATTENDANCE MATTERS CONTEST: This March we will be celebrating all of the reasons “Attendance Matters”.
Each week we will raffle off prizes to students who make it in to school each day that week This is a weekly contest, so if a student misses a day one week, don’t worry there is always the next week. This contest will begin starting on Monday.
Cookie Fundraiser: I wanted to send out a heartfelt thank you to all of the students and families who participated in our cookie dough fundraiser. As a school with only approximately 125 total students selling cookies, we were able to raise just over $27K as a school!!
47 students have earned an extra prize of either a Launch Trampoline park pass or a free kid’s meal at the Texas Roadhouse for selling at least $250 worth of cookies! Those prizes have been distributed.
For those who ordered cookie dough, the delivery will be made here to Hunking on Wednesday, March 5th. Please stay tuned for more details on how to pick up your orders. There will also be more details to come for those who have earned other prizes such as the Stanley Thermos and/or gift cards, so stay tuned…
I would like to shout out the students who absolutely crushed this fundraiser and sold the most cookies and raised the most money. These were our top 5 sellers in the school, who all eclipsed well over $600 in sales:
5th: Camden T (Gr. 4)
4th: Ellie C (Gr. 7)
3rd: Nayli R (Gr. 5)
Top 2 over $1K!
2nd: Julianna D (Gr. 5)
1st: Christian D (Gr. 5)
I’d also like to shout out the 2 homerooms that sold the most cookie dough and raised the most money and therefore won their teacher an extra prep period and a $100 gift card to an establishment of their choosing…
The winner in the lower school in a VERY close race was: Mrs. Masello and her 1st grade classroom!
The winner in the upper school in an even closer race was: Ms. Mclaughlin and her 7th grade homeroom!
Congratulations to both teachers and homerooms!
Finally….We had a cookie coloring contest, and I have the results and winners from each grade level! The following winners will receive a $50 Amazon gift card. Here are the winners:
K- Sofia F
1- Benjamin R
2- Josie-Mae B
3- Noah A
4- Leyana D
5- Sadie P
6- Seth R
7- Spencer C
8- Zoe H
Student Safety: I would kindly ask that any family members who are dropping and/or picking up their students to make sure that you are utilizing your directional so that staff directing traffic are able to know which way you are headed and then safely cross students across the street.
Also, please DO NOT drop or pick students up along the main road of Hunking. This impedes traffic and presents unsafe situations.
Finally we ask for your patience as we try to direct traffic and cross students across our roads & driveways in a safe manner. Do not pass cars on our main road.
As always, we appreciate your continued support.
Lost and Found – Is your child missing their winter coat? We have dozens in our lost and found located in the main hallway to the right of the gym.
THEME OF THE MONTH: We are embracing the theme of Friendship & Acceptance throughout the month of February. Acceptance is the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted into a group. It is the act of accepting something or someone. Acceptance involves acknowledging the unvarnished facts of ourselves and our situation…the good and the not so good, without judging ourselves or others. Acceptance is the foundation for growth and change. While friendship is a close, voluntary relationship between people that is built on trust, respect, and mutual care.
(If you have trouble accessing the menus, please go to www.fdmealplanner.com and enter “Hunking” as the school location.)
K-Registration: 2025 -K Registration Flyer (1)
RB Baseball: Riverside-Bradford English (1)
Riverside-Bradford Spanish (1)
- Thank you to all who purchased cookies and made this year’s fundraiser a huge success! Cookie dough pickup is scheduled for next Wednesday, March 5th!
We’ll try to send students who sold 6 or less boxes home with their orders, but ask parents to please pick up larger orders between 3:00 and 5:30pm at the school that day. - Our next PTO Meeting is scheduled for next Thursday, March 6th at 5:30pm in the Hunking Conference Room! We’re looking to rebuild our Board and need a Vice President, Secretary…please let us know if you’re interested!
School Counselor: Terri Carney terri.carney@haverhill-ps.org
Classical Academy has held their interviews and sent out letters to students.
*CTE Interviews will be held on March 13th and March 14th
Interview schedule is posted in the 8th grade hallway as well as on the 8th grade google classroom.
HHS CTE practice interview questions are at the bottom of the page:
*Whittier Interview Dates: March 4th and March 5th here at Hunking.
Interview schedule will be posted in the 8th grade hallway closer to interviews.
WVT does not release their interview questions.
Work Permits: Find all the information needed to obtain a work permit here:
Kindergarten: All classes began our third module in Wit and Wisdom titled America, Then and Now. We will learn all about life long ago compared to now. Ask your child what he/she has learned about how school has changed over time!
7th Grade: In ELA, students are refining their multi-paragraph writing skills using paired nonfiction articles. This is great practice both for MCAS, which begins in April, and as they approach 8th grade and beyond. Students are also in the final weeks of their novel study book clubs–be sure to ask your student about the book they are reading!
8th Grade: In mathematics, students have begun Module 5, which focuses on solving systems of linear equations. In Civics, students have started their Spring DBQ on Genocide. They will be analyzing multiple sources to develop a comprehensive five-paragraph essay. In science, students are wrapping up the chemistry unit. In ELA students are completing Socratic Seminars addressing essential questions connecting the topic of genocide to the book Refugee in preparation for writing the Spring DBQ in Civics.
Ten 8th-grade students spent Wednesday and Thursday at Haverhill High School alongside JG Whittier students, training to be peer guides for a traveling Anne Frank exhibit. Later in the school year, these students will apply what they have learned and host the exhibit at Hunking.
NEWS FROM OUR NURSES: We will be continuing Postural/Scoliosis screening for all 5th through 8th grade students. This screening is to check the spine for scoliosis and is required by the state. The screening requires the exposure of the student’s back for assessment so we request girls wear a sports bra for gym class. The screening is done in a private space and done during gym class. If you would like your child to be opted out of this screening, a written note needs to be sent to the health office either by email or paper. We would also need a current physical showing the child was screened by his/her doctor for your child to opt out. If you have any questions or concerns, you may reach the health office at 978-420-1913.
Volleyball: Volleyball practices have started this week. We had a great first week of volleyball. Schedule for next week is Boy’s practice Monday (3/3) and Thursday (3/6) 3-5pm and Girl’s practice Wednesday (3/5) and Friday (3/7) 3-5pm. Our first game of the season is Tuesday 3/4/25 at home vs Whittier Middle School (Girls are scheduled to play first). Come cheer on the Volleyball teams!!!
Spring Track: Attention Bobcat parents! Early sign-ups for Spring Track tryouts are officially open! (Click here!) We will be holding tryouts and capping participation again this year, so please sign up as soon as possible! We are hoping to have 20 runners per grade for grades 6-8.
Once we are nearing capacity I will be sure to post an update in our Track Family Remind Class
If your student athlete is interested in participating please take time to review our expectation guide as we adhere to these guidelines without exception. This packet can be found posted in our Remind class.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, the best way to connect with Coach Law is via our Remind group! (link above)
Here’s to a season of positive vibes and negative splits!
Your Kiddos Biggest Fans,
Coaches Law & Gibbs
Academic Bowl: Junior & Senior Team practices will be Tuesdays from 2:45 – 3:30. Here is the schedule for practices & competitions. Competitions will start at 9:15 alternating starting with Juniors or Seniors.
Guitar Ensemble: We are continuing to welcome new members in grades 5-8. We meet on Friday afternoons until 3:30 in Mrs. Fairbrother’s room. A reminder that no guitar or experience is necessary.
GRIT: This round of GRIT is ending next Monday, March 3 and we will be celebrating with a pizza party! All GRIT members recently received tshirts for participating in the program. We have done some amazing team activities with them in the last week.
Chorus: Please see the March chorus calendar here- March Chorus Calendar
Tri-M Music Honor Society: Tri-M students who are volunteering for the Multicultural Night: we will be having a meeting after school on Wednesday March 5th until 3:30pm.
Student Council: Our MarioKart tournament roster for students in Grades 3 & 4 is now full. Students who have registered will be escorted to room 301 after school on Tuesday March 4th for the fun competition which includes snacks and drinks. Pick up time is 4:30 pm at the upper school entrance. Student Council members are expected to attend. Please tell an advisor if you have a conflict. Meeting & Agenda Calendar can be found here.
NJHS: The NJHS calendar can be found here. Please continue to check this sign up for PTO meetings, Google Classroom and your personal email weekly.
GSA: The calendar for the GSA can be found here.
LEGO Club: The LEGO Club calendar can be found here.
Yearbook: The yearbook is $20 ($18.82 + tax) and includes 2 free pages you can personalize with your own photos and memories. Click here for the informational flyer. The custom pages are optional, but if you decide to customize your pages they must be complete by May 9, 2025. Sign in and complete your custom 2 free pages!
-Please make sure that your student(s) are coming to school daily with a fully charged chromebook.
HPS has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the Chromebooks that students have been issued. The cost of coverage for the year is $20 and includes accidental damage, loss, fire, and theft. As of right now, families have the option to sign up during the month of September (we will let you know if it extends). After sign up closes, only new students will be given a special code to sign up at registration. Our website explains SDC and has instructions on how to signing up online:
-Please make sure that you are sending your student(s) with a water bottle. We have a limited supply of cups and we do not have access to water fountains, only water bottle filling stations.
SCHOOL POLICIES: Please click on the link below to review Hunking policies including cell phone, dress code, and pick up & drop off procedures: