FEBRUARY VACATION: There will be no school from February 17th through February 21st. We will see everyone back at school on Monday, February 24th. Enjoy your week!
Student Safety: I would kindly ask that any family members who are dropping and/or picking up their students to make sure that you are utilizing your directional so that staff directing traffic are able to know which way you are headed and then safely cross students across the street.
Also, please DO NOT drop or pick students up along the main road of Hunking. This impedes traffic and presents unsafe situations.
Finally we ask for your patience as we try to direct traffic and cross students across our roads & driveways in a safe manner. Do not pass cars on our main road.
As always, we appreciate your continued support.
3RD ANNUAL MULTICULTURAL NIGHT: Believe it or not, it is that time of year again. We are only weeks away from our 3rd Annual Multicultural night! We are going to be asking for our amazing community to once again come to Hunking and share their cultural pride! Please save the date: Thursday, March 13th from 5-7pm!
*Sign up deadline is 2/28/25
RAFFLE BASKETS: We are putting together baskets with different themes and will sell raffle tickets for them at the multicultural night on 3/13/25. If you are able to donate an item to go in a basket we would greatly appreciate that. Please click on the link below for more information.
THEME OF THE MONTH: We are embracing the theme of Friendship & Acceptance throughout the month of February. Acceptance is the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted into a group. It is the act of accepting something or someone. Acceptance involves acknowledging the unvarnished facts of ourselves and our situation…the good and the not so good, without judging ourselves or others. Acceptance is the foundation for growth and change. While friendship is a close, voluntary relationship between people that is built on trust, respect, and mutual care.
Congratulations to all of the winners of January’s theme of Commitment:
Brayden T |
Laura J |
Ray F |
Lilly S |
Gregory R |
Lily Q |
Amairis V |
Micah S |
Maverick P |
Knox R |
Mia S |
Malakai L |
Mason C |
Liam S |
Wyatt F |
Oden L |
Carter W |
Emma J |
Janyece E |
Jacelys C |
Adelaide R |
Cole K |
Isabella J |
Logan R |
Katherine K |
Andre C |
Mari S |
Daniel K |
Leo T |
Jacoby S |
Alexandra C |
Ava S |
Quinn G |
Keilani G |
Jeffrey G |
Fiona A |
Ava M |
Andrew P |
Tommy B |
Colin C |
Isabella G |
Jade C |
Antonio M |
Naziiah R |
Bella S |
Leah J |
Izaiah L |
Diego C |
Wesley B |
Christian D |
(If you have trouble accessing the menus, please go to www.fdmealplanner.com and enter “Hunking” as the school location.)
K-Registration: Early K Registration Flyer
Book A REG Appt (En-Sp-Port-HC)
- Our next PTO Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 6th at 5:30pm in the Hunking Conference Room! We’re looking to rebuild our Board and need a Vice President, Secretary…please let us know if you’re interested!
- The lower-school “Someone Special” Dance is on Friday, February 28th in the Hunking cafeteria!
- Kindergarten, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade will be from 5:00-6:00pm
- And 3rd Grade and 4th Grade will be from 6:30-7:30pm.
- This is for Hunking students and the someone special in their lives.
*Students must be accompanied by an adult.
Please register in advance to help us get an accurate headcount: my.cheddarup.com/c/someone-special-dance-25
Concessions will be available for purchase.
School Counselor: Terri Carney terri.carney@haverhill-ps.org
Classical Academy @HHS Interviews are scheduled.
*CTE Interviews will be held on March 13th and March 14th
Interview schedule will be posted in the 8th grade hallway closer to interviews.
HHS CTE practice interview questions are available on the School Counseling google classroom and CTE posts them on their application page:
Whittier: Applications due no later than Feb 1. Apply here and find important dates! https://whittiertech.go2cte.com/
*Whittier Interview Dates: March 4th and March 5th here at Hunking.
Interview schedule will be posted in the 8th grade hallway closer to interviews.
WVT does not release their interview questions.
Work Permits: Find all the information needed to obtain a work permit here:
4th Grade: Students have made great strides in both reading and math! They’ve just completed their second Wit & Wisdom module, diving deep into how extreme settings impact characters, with a special focus on Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. After the break, students will begin their third module, The Redcoats are Coming, where they’ll learn why it is important to understand all sides of the story and explore the different perspectives of the American Revolution. In math, they’re wrapping up an exciting unit on fractions and have learned how to find equivalent fractions and compare fractions! Next, we will move into decimals!
7th Grade Social Studies: Students have been working in groups to create informational posters about various topics covering Ancient Greece. Some examples are the Ancient Greek Olympics, clothing and fashion, war and soldiers, and many more. We will share some pictures when the posters are completed.
8th Grade:
NEWS FROM OUR NURSES: Hope everyone has a great February Break. Stay healthy. School will resume postural/scoliosis screening when we get back from break during gym class. Please come dressed appropriately for screening.
Volleyball: Congratulations to those who made the volleyball team. We still have to figure out a practice schedule once we get back and it will be posted in the Google Classroom for volleyball next week.
Over break, the coaches are opening the gym on Tuesday and Thursday from 10-12 each day. We know some of you will be on vacation, but for those that aren’t going away and want to get some reps in, please show up! It has been a fun time the times we’ve done it.
Spring Track: Attention Bobcat parents! Early sign-ups for Spring Track tryouts are officially open! (Click here!) We will be holding tryouts and capping participation again this year, so please sign up as soon as possible! We are hoping to have 20 runners per grade for grades 6-8.
Once we are nearing capacity I will be sure to post an update in our Track Family Remind Class
If your student athlete is interested in participating please take time to review our expectation guide as we adhere to these guidelines without exception. This packet can be found posted in our Remind class.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, the best way to connect with Coach Law is via our Remind group! (link above)
Here’s to a season of positive vibes and negative splits!
Your Kiddos Biggest Fans,
Coaches Law & Gibbs
Academic Bowl: Junior & Senior Team practices will be Tuesdays from 2:45 – 3:30. Here is the schedule for practices & competitions. **There have been a few changes – first competition is Tuesday 2/25 @ Hunking!! Competitions will start at 9:15 alternating starting with Juniors or Seniors.
Guitar Ensemble: We are continuing to welcome new members in grades 5-8. We meet on Friday afternoons until 3:30 in Mrs. Fairbrother’s room. Reminder that no guitar or experience is necessary.
Drama Club: We want to wish everyone a fun and safe vacation. Starting after vacation we will be rehearsing Tues, Weds, and Thurs. A new Schedule will be posted in google classroom. Please take a look at it when it is posted because not every cast member will be required to attend certain rehearsal days. Tickets for BeetleJuice Jr. will be going on sale after Vacation. April 11, 2025 is our opening night. April 12, 2025 we will have two performances.
GRIT: GRIT members attended Boda Borg in Malden for an adventurous field trip on Thursday. They worked cooperatively and used their problem solving skills to tackle numerous quests!
Mentor/Mentee: Mentees were treated to Valentine parties this week where they partnered with their mentor and played valentine’s bingo and won prizes and enjoyed some valentine treats!
Chorus: We are continuing to prepare for our upcoming events, stay tuned for more information. You can find our February calendar here.
Tri-M Music Honor Society: Hunking is now offering students the opportunity to join the Tri-M Music Honor Society! Students must be in either Band, Chorus, Drama or Guitar Ensemble. This is open to Upper School students in 6-8th grade (this year ONLY, 5th grade students in Chorus and Guitar will be considered). Please see Ms. Avalos (or your music teacher) with any questions. Applications are available outside the music room #127.
Student Council: Student Council is hosting a MarioKart Tournament for students in Grades 3 & 4 on Tuesday March 4th from 2:45 pm- 4:30 pm. The cost is $10 for tournament play, snack, and beverage. Space is limited so please sign up in a timely fashion. Also, we want to include as many people as possible, so if there’s a financial hardship at this time, please make note of that on your permission slip and the student council will use their fundraising profits to cover the cost.
Next meeting for the student council is Tuesday March 25th in room 301 from 2:45 pm- 3:45 pm. Please, check Google Classroom for updates and be ready to plan future events and actions! Meeting & Agenda Calendar can be found here.
NJHS: The NJHS calendar can be found here. Please continue to check this sign up for PTO meetings, Google Classroom and your personal email weekly. Coming ahead we are looking for volunteers to the Someone Special Dance Feb. 28th. Wear your yellow NJHS volunteer shirt at this event.
GSA: The calendar for the GSA can be found here.
LEGO Club: **5th Grade LEGO Club on 2/6 was canceled due to the snow day. It has been rescheduled for 2/26, which is a date not on the original calendar. The LEGO Club calendar can be found here.
-Please make sure that your student(s) are coming to school daily with a fully charged chromebook.
HPS has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the Chromebooks that students have been issued. The cost of coverage for the year is $20 and includes accidental damage, loss, fire, and theft. As of right now, families have the option to sign up during the month of September (we will let you know if it extends). After sign up closes, only new students will be given a special code to sign up at registration. Our website explains SDC and has instructions on how to signing up online:
-Please make sure that you are sending your student(s) with a water bottle. We have a limited supply of cups and we do not have access to water fountains, only water bottle filling stations.
SCHOOL POLICIES: Please click on the link below to review Hunking policies including cell phone, dress code, and pick up & drop off procedures: