Bobcat Bulletin 2/7/25

SPIRIT WEEK: February 10th-14th (see attached flyer for themes)


COOKIE FUNDRAISER: We are just over halfway through our ★Cookie Fundraiser★ and would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to participate. The support shown shines bright.

If you are already participating, don’t forget to *ADD 25 CONTACTS* in the fundraising app (or as many as possible) so you can earn prizes!

If you’d like to participate, you still can! It takes less than 5 minutes and your support is greatly appreciated.

End Date: Friday February 14th

Participating is easy! The Fundraising Packet is attached with all additional details, including a Cookie Coloring Contest!

FUNDRAISER CHECKLIST:★ Join the fundraiser

★ Add 25 contacts (or as many as possible to earn prizes) Prizes include Stanley tumblers and gift cards!

★ Enter the Cookie Coloring Contest for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card **Turn in to the front office by 2/14.

Your support and participation means the world to us.

Hunking Fundraiser Prizes 2025


3RD ANNUAL MULTICULTURAL NIGHT: Believe it or not, it is that time of year again. We are only weeks away from our 3rd Annual Multicultural night! We are going to be asking for our amazing community to once again come to Hunking and share their cultural pride! Please save the date: Thursday, March 13th from 5-7pm! 



*Sign up deadline is 2/28/25 


8th Grade DC Fundraiser: Texas Roadhouse Night (see flyer by clicking link) Texas Roadhouse


THEME OF THE MONTH: We are embracing the theme of Friendship & Acceptance throughout the month of February. Acceptance is the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted into a group. It is the act of accepting something or someone. Acceptance involves acknowledging the unvarnished facts of ourselves and our situation…the good and the not so good, without judging ourselves or others. Acceptance is the foundation for growth and change. While friendship is a close, voluntary relationship between people that is built on trust, respect, and mutual care. 



(If you have trouble accessing the menus, please go to and enter “Hunking” as the school location.)





Early K Registration Flyer

Book A REG Appt (En-Sp-Port-HC)





  • Our next PTO Meeting is rescheduled for next Tuesday, February 11th at 5:30pm in the Hunking Conference Room! We have some exciting things coming up and would love to see some new faces!

  • Please join us for a lower-school “Someone Special” Dance on Friday, February 28th in the Hunking cafeteria!
    • Kindergarten, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade will be from 5:00-6:00pm
    • And 3rd Grade and 4th Grade will be from 6:30-7:30pm.
  • This is for Hunking students and the someone special in their lives.
    *Students must be accompanied by an adult.
    Please register in advance to help us get an accurate headcount:
    Concessions will be available for purchase. 




School Counselor: Terri Carney


HHS Schedules for 8th Graders

Please see the attached scheduling letter. 

(2025-2026) Class of 2029 Scheduling Letter (revised 1/9/25)

Teachers will assign students their core classes. 

Please select at least 10 electives so if a class is filled, you have a list of other options. 

You can help your student by reviewing recommended courses and adding their requested electives directly to their School Brains by following the directions in this step-by-step guide. Instructions are in this letter. 

Student Course Recommendation Review and Elective Selection




Classical Academy @HHS Interviews are scheduled.


Career Technical Education (CTE) @HHS  Deadline to apply: Feb 14

HHS Career Technical Education (CTE) Program:  


*CTE Interviews will be held on March 13th and March 14th

Interview schedule will be posted in the 8th grade hallway closer to interviews. 

HHS CTE practice interview questions are available on the School Counseling google classroom and CTE posts them on their application page: 


Whittier: Applications due no later than Feb 1.  Apply here and find important dates! 


*Whittier Interview Dates: March 4th and March 5th here at Hunking. 

Interview schedule will be posted in the 8th grade hallway closer to interviews. 

WVT does not release their interview questions. 


Work Permits: Find all the information needed to obtain a work permit here:




Grades K-4 i-Ready Winter Growth Winners!

Congratulations to the students in grades K-4 who had the highest growth on the winter diagnostic in Math and ELA!  Mrs. Corcoran and Mrs. Bisegna gave the students a cool prize at the grade level assembly.



Math – Jaxon M

Reading – Adrian R


Math – Dicelys C

Reading – David O


Math – Liam C

Reading – Liam C


Math – Kobe N

Reading – Jeffrey B


Math – Quinn P

Reading – Jeriko M


8th:  Our first fundraiser for Washington DC is Wednesday, Feb. 13th at the Texas Roadhouse in Methuen MA.  20% of your food bill goes to the fundraiser.

Texas Roadhouse


Feb. 14th will be our next Fun Friday.


Other very exciting news: Hunking will select 10 students to attend a 2-day training to become docents (museum guides) for a traveling exhibit on the Holocaust and Anne Frank. Over 2 days, they will be excused from class to attend the training at Haverhill High School. If interested in this era of history, human rights, the Holocaust, students are encouraged to apply.



Math classes completed their Module 3 and 4 benchmark this week and we will begin Module 5, “Systems of Linear Equations. As always, please encourage your student to work on their iReady each week as we have noticed a decline in engagement over the past few weeks.


Kindergarten/First Grade/Second Grade: Save the Date! The Hunking Music Department is proud to announce our K-2 Spring Concert! It will take place in the Hunking School Gym on April 17th at 1:15pm. Please see the attached flyer for details! If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Avalos or Mrs. Fairbrother.





NEWS FROM OUR NURSES:  Scoliosis/Postural Screenings are currently on hold. They will resume during gym class after February Break. 





Feb 10th: Final boys tryout from 3:00-4:45pm.

Feb 11th: Final girls tryout for all girls invited back from 3-5pm.  


Spring TrackAttention Bobcat parents! Early sign ups for Spring Track tryouts are officially open! (Click here!) We will be holding tryouts and capping participation again this year, so please sign up as soon as possible! We are hoping to have 20 runners per grade for grades 6-8. 

Once we are nearing capacity I will be sure to post an update in our Track Family Remind Class

If your student athlete is interested in participating please take time to review our expectation guide as we adhere to these guidelines without exception. This packet can be found posted in our Remind class.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, the best way to connect with Coach Law is via our Remind group! (link above)

Here’s to a season of positive vibes and negative splits! 

Your Kiddos Biggest Fans,

Coaches Law & Gibbs 




Academic Bowl: Junior & Senior Team practices will be Tuesdays from 2:45 – 3:30. Here is the schedule for practices & competitions. Competitions will start at 9:15 alternating starting with Juniors or Seniors.


Guitar Ensemble: We are continuing to welcome new members in grades 5-8.  We meet on Friday afternoons until 3:30 in Mrs. Fairbrother’s room.  Reminder that no guitar or experience is necessary.  


GRIT:  This Thursday, February 13, we will be attending an all-day field trip to Boda Borg Boston to tackle some escape room quests. Will still meet at our regular time on Monday, February 10 from 2:45 – 3:30 as well.


Chorus: We are continuing to prepare for our upcoming events, stay tuned for more information. You can find our February calendar here.

February Chorus Calendar


Tri-M Music Honor Society: Hunking is now offering students the opportunity to join the Tri-M Music Honor Society! Students must be in either Band, Chorus, Drama or Guitar Ensemble. This is open to Upper School students in 6-8th grade (this year ONLY, 5th grade students in Chorus and Guitar will be considered). Please see Ms. Avalos (or your music teacher) with any questions. Applications are available outside the music room #127.


Student Council: Thank you again to everyone who supported our Bake Sale on Parent/Teacher Conference Night.  Final tally is in; we raised just over $718 for the 8th Grade Promotion Dance in June. This week, the Student Council met to create a timeline of the Civil Rights Movement in preparation for a visit to the JFK Library & Museum on Friday February 7th for a tour focused on Civil Rights, Civic Action.  Next month, members are planning a MarioKart Tournament after school on March 4th for students in grades 3 & 4. Sign-Ups will be available after February vacation.  Meeting & Agenda Calendar can be found here.


NJHS: The NJHS calendar can be found here. Please continue to check this sign up for PTO meetings, Google Classroom and your personal email weekly.  Coming ahead we are looking for volunteers to the Someone Special Dance Feb. 28th.


GSA: The calendar for the GSA can be found here


LEGO Club: The LEGO Club calendar can be found here. 





-Please make sure that your student(s) are coming to school daily with a fully charged chromebook. 


HPS has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the Chromebooks that students have been issued. The cost of coverage for the year is $20 and includes accidental damage, loss, fire, and theft. As of right now, families have the option to sign up during the month of September (we will let you know if it extends). After sign up closes, only new students will be given a special code to sign up at registration. Our website explains SDC and has instructions on how to signing up online:


-Please make sure that you are sending your student(s) with a water bottle. We have a limited supply of cups and we do not have access to water fountains, only water bottle filling stations. 


SCHOOL POLICIES: Please click on the link below to review Hunking policies including cell phone, dress code, and pick up & drop off procedures: