Progress Reports: Progress reports for 2nd trimester are now available to view on the student/parent portal for grades 5-8. K-4 progress reports came home in backpacks on Friday, January 24th.
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday, January 30th. Here is the schedule:
Grades 5-8: 4:00pm-5:30pm
Specialists: 4:30pm-6:00pm
Grades K-4: 5:00pm-6:30pm
If you have not already heard from your child’s teacher or grade-level team, be on the lookout for ways to sign up for your conference.
*The Student Council will be running a Bake Sale at the front office entrance during conferences. The proceeds will go towards the 8th Grade Promotion Dance in June.
Lost and Found! Please check the lost and found in the main lobby area during conferences as items will be donated the following day.
COOKIE FUNDRAISER: We are pleased to announce our upcoming ★Cookie Fundraiser!★ We hope that you will help support the school and participate.
Launch Date: Tuesday, January 28th
End Date: Friday, February 14th
Participating is easy! The Fundraising Packet is linked below with all additional details, including a Cookie Coloring Contest!
You can Sign Up NOW by using the Fundraiser Instructions. (Sign-up takes less than 5 minutes!)
There are 3 ways to earn prizes and gift cards:
★ RECEIVE A $5 DUNKIN’ GIFT CARD JUST FOR SIGNING UP FOR THE FUNDRAISER! **You must Sign Up on or before Friday 1/31 to receive the gift card.
★ Students earn prizes by participating (Stanley tumblers and gift cards).
★ Enter the Cookie Coloring Contest for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card **Turn in to the front office by 2/14.
We also have one more prize to sweeten the pot as well. To the classroom or homeroom that sells the most cookies in both the lower school & upper school, you will win your teacher an extra prep period as well as a $100 gift card to an establishment of their choosing!
Your support and participation means the world to us.
Hunking Fundraiser Prizes 2025
THEME OF THE MONTH: We will be embracing the theme of Commitment throughout the month of January. Commitment is an agreement or pledge to do something in the future. It is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity. In regard to our theme here at Hunking, with it being a new year, we are looking for students who are committed to working hard to either maintain or bring your grades up. We are looking for students who are committed to improving themselves both as students and all around people, and ultimately committing themselves to the mission of Hunking to be kind and respectful always. Staff will be on the lookout for students who best personify this theme throughout the month.
JANUARY BREAKFAST & LUNCH MENUS (If the links don’t work, you can visit, and enter “Hunking” for the school location.)
Notice on ICE Concerns:
Dear Haverhill Public Schools Families,
At Haverhill Public Schools, we believe that a free and public education is the foundation of our democracy and a promise to every child. Our commitment to your child’s success and well-being drives everything we do. We want every student and family to feel welcomed, valued, and supported in our schools.
Our nondiscrimination policy reflects this commitment: no child will be excluded from or face discrimination in accessing the advantages, privileges, and courses of study we offer—regardless of race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, homelessness, or disability. Ensuring the safety, rights, and dignity of every child is at the heart of our mission.
We also want to reassure families regarding immigration status: Haverhill Public Schools is prohibited by law from inquiring about the immigration status of students or their families. To clarify:
We do not coordinate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
We do not share student records with ICE, except in rare cases required by a court order or with explicit parental/guardian consent.
To keep your child safe, students are only released to individuals authorized in writing by their parents or guardians. Please make sure your child’s emergency contact information is up to date by reaching out to their school if needed.
Our principals and staff receive ongoing training to ensure student privacy and rights are protected. We have also started conversations with school leaders about how to support students and families in the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as ICE-related situations, to ensure children feel safe and cared for at school.
We want to emphasize that Haverhill Public Schools is dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment where all children can thrive. If your child or family needs additional support, we encourage you to reach out to your parent liaison or school adjustment counselor—they are here to help.
Thank you for being a part of our Haverhill Public Schools community. Together, we are building a brighter future for every student.
Warm regards,
Margaret Marotta, Ed.D.
- Our next PTO Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 6th at 5:30pm in the Hunking Conference Room.
- And our Someone Special Dances for the lower school grades are scheduled for Friday, February 28th…mark your calendars! We’ll send more details soon!
School Counselor: Terri Carney
HHS Schedules for 8th Graders
Please see the attached scheduling letter.
(2025-2026) Class of 2029 Scheduling Letter (revised 1/9/25)
Teachers will assign students their core classes.
Please select at least 10 electives so if a class is filled, you have a list of other options.
You can help your student by reviewing recommended courses and adding their requested electives directly to their School Brains by following the directions in this step-by-step guide. Instructions are in this letter.
Student Course Recommendation Review and Elective Selection
Classical Academy @HHS
Career Technical Education (CTE) @HHS Deadline to apply: Feb 14
HHS Career Technical Education (CTE) Program:
*CTE Interviews will be held on March 13th and March 14th
Interview schedule will be posted in the 8th grade hallway closer to interviews.
HHS CTE practice interview questions are available on the School Counseling google classroom and CTE posts them on their application page:
8th grade School Counseling google classroom code
Students, join the google classroom with: egta65o
Whittier: Apply here and find important dates! DEADLINE FEB 1. Please allow a few working days for me to submit the documents for your application to be considered complete and on time.
*Whittier Interview Dates: March 4th and March 5th here at Hunking.
Interview schedule will be posted in the 8th grade hallway closer to interviews.
WVT does not release their interview questions.
Work Permits: Find all the information needed to obtain a work permit here:
Kindergarten/First Grade/Second Grade: Save the Date! The Hunking Music Department is proud to announce our K-2 Spring Concert! It will take place in the Hunking School Gym on April 17th at 1:15pm. Please see the attached flyer for details! If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Avalos or Mrs. Fairbrother.
2nd Grade: Our first week of Malcolm Mitchell’s Read Bowl was a success! Grade 2 students totaled 16,407 minutes read last week. Our kids were so excited to get started and we’re hoping that they will keep up the intensity not only for the next 3 weeks of the Read Bowl but for the rest of the year! Week 1’s homeroom winner was Mrs. Wood’s class with 4,326 minutes read. Mrs. Bielski’s class came in at a close second with 4,318 minutes of reading. While Mrs. LaRochelle’s class came in at a super close 3rd place with 4,313 minutes read. Mrs. Silveira’s class was 4th with 3,450. Let’s beat this week’s minutes and read even more next week!
7th Grade SS- Students are creating a training booklet on the steps and information needed to become a successful Samurai. The virtual booklet will include physical training, mental training, weapons armor, and more information.
8th Grade: Math students will take the “District Benchmark” the week of February 10. This will cover the two recent modules we have studied and is a valuable resource for us to evaluate the level of understanding students are getting from our math program across the district…and an opportunity for Hunking students to SHINE!
In ELA students are reading Refugee by Alan Gratz, following the journeys of three teenagers fleeing home in search of safety and new beginnings.
Parent Teacher Conferences are this coming Thursday January 30th from 4 pm- 5:30 pm. Sign up at this link.
If your student receives academic IEP services please sign up to join Mrs. Kelly or Mrs. Iwatsuki for the next Invite a Grown Up on Jan. 31st.
**It is time to start fundraising and planning for our end of year activities for the week of 8th grade promotion! If you’re interested in helping to plan, coordinate, or just have great ideas to add, please reach out to 8th grade parent and PTO member, Alisha Rochon at
To raise money for the 8th grade Promotion Dance, the student council is hosting a Bake Sale during parent teacher conferences Thursday January 30th. Baked good donations from any 8th grade families who are willing and able to share are appreciated.
NEWS FROM OUR NURSES: We will be starting Postural and scoliosis screening the week of January 20th for all 5th through 8th grade students. This screening is to check the spine for scoliosis and is required by the state. The screening requires the exposure of the student’s back for assessment so we request girls wear a sports bra for gym class. The screening is done in a private space and done during gym class. If you would like your child to be opted out of this screening, a written note needs to be sent to the health office either by email or paper. We would also need a current physical showing the child was screened by his/her doctor for your child to opt out. If you have any questions or concerns, you may reach the health office at 978-420-1913.
If you send your child in with a water bottle, please make sure it is not glass.
Cold and flu season has arrived. Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate clothes for the weather and using good hand hygiene to prevent getting sick. Proper cough etiquette is important to keep from spreading germs so please sneeze or cough into your elbow or a tissue.
Basketball: Both basketball teams will be in action for the playoffs on Tuesday, January 28th at Haverhill High School. The girls will play first against Consentino starting around 4pm. The boys will play Nettle at around 6pm. Good Luck to both teams.
The Finals for both the girls and the boys will be held on Wednesday, January 29th. The time is TBD
Academic Bowl: Final rosters were posted Friday outside of Mrs. Bizeur’s room for Senior & Junior Teams – congrats to all of those who made it! The first practice will be Tuesday Jan. 28th from 2:45 – 3:30 in Mrs. Bizeur’s Room 218. Please make sure you have a ride or permission to walk home.
Guitar Ensemble: We are off to a great start! We are still welcoming new members (grades 5-8) and rehearsals are Friday afternoons until 3:30. Dismissal will be from the front door (at the flagpole). Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Fairbrother
Chorus: Chorus is off to a great start preparing for all of our Spring events! We are accepting new students, especially those in Upper school, so please reach out to Ms. Avalos if you are interested in giving Chorus a try! For those of you already in chorus, our January calendar can be found here!
Student Council: All members are reminded to return their signed permission slips for the February 7th field trip to the JFK Library and Museum at UMass Boston by next Tuesday January 28th. To prepare for the Museum tour, there is a mandatory meeting February 4th in room 301 from 2:45-3:45 pm.
Student Council will be hosting a Bake Sale next Thursday January 30th during Parent Teacher Conferences with proceeds going towards the 8th grade promotion dance in June! Baked good donations are appreciated, and members must check Google Classroom for event updates.
Student Council Meeting & Agenda Calendar can be found here.
NJHS: The NJHS calendar can be found here. We are planning to offer drop in babysitting sessions during PTC so parents can enjoy some uninterrupted time with their child’s teacher. Members need to respond on the Google Classroom.
GSA: The calendar for the GSA can be found here.
LEGO Club: The LEGO Club calendar can be found here.
-Please make sure that your student(s) are coming to school daily with a fully charged chromebook.
HPS has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the Chromebooks that students have been issued. The cost of coverage for the year is $20 and includes accidental damage, loss, fire, and theft. As of right now, families have the option to sign up during the month of September (we will let you know if it extends). After sign up closes, only new students will be given a special code to sign up at registration. Our website explains SDC and has instructions on how to signing up online:
-Please make sure that you are sending your student(s) with a water bottle. We have a limited supply of cups and we do not have access to water fountains, only water bottle filling stations.
SCHOOL POLICIES: Please click on the link below to review Hunking policies including cell phone, dress code, and pick up & drop off procedures: