Bobcat Bulletin 10/18/24

3RD ANNUAL THANKSGIVING FEAST: We are only 5 short weeks away from our second Hunking Community Event! We would like you all to mark your calendars for Thursday, November 21st from 4:30-7:00pm. Over the next couple of weeks we will be sharing more details about this event, but wanted your calendars marked so that you can come share an amazing meal and fun night with our Hunking community!


PICTURE DAY: Picture day is this Tuesday, October 22nd. Please see the attached flyer/link: 

C. D. Hunking School_ Picture Day Notice (Print)(1)



THEME OF THE MONTH: October’s theme of the month is RESPECT. Respect is also called esteem and is a positive feeling or deferential action shown toward someone or something considered important or held in high esteem or regard. It is valuing someone’s views and feelings even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. It is accepting them on an equal basis and giving them the same consideration you would expect yourself. Respect is important because it can help people feel safe and express themselves. Ways that you can show respect include, being kind & courteous, being polite, avoiding interrupting or causing disturbances, listening to others, and thinking before you speak. Staff will be on the lookout this month for those students who best personify this theme. 


Congratulations to all of our winners for September’s theme of KINDNESS: 


Jaylin C
Torin L
Lorenzo F
Scarlett A
Leo W
Lorenzo L
Ava B
Felicity C
H’ailo P
Liliana M
Carmen D
Stephanie M
Veronica V
Logan C
Elvin G
Jordanae P
Jamerson D
Zechariah D
Yulianny H
Aydrien G
Sadie P
Ethan N
Avery C
Stanley A
Maddalena D
Williane D
Mark P
Lillee B
Xavier P
Veronica M
Maxwell E
Kaiden C
Jhonjadis F
Demmonique D
Kendall A
Addison V
Landon E
Tavian L
Grace L
Whitnely R
Lisbeth M
Adam M
Abby N
Jax B
Malak L
Kate S
Carmelo R
Olivia S
Sam W
Stanley A
Nicholas D


OCTOBER BREAKFAST & LUNCH MENUS  (If the links are not working, please visit and type in “Hunking” for the location.)





HHS FLYERS: Discover Your Future at Haverhill High School! (2)



  • One more week of Meadow Farms! Get your orders in and all items will be delivered in time for the holidays! Plus, students have a chance to earn fun prizes! Watch this video to learn more:! And if you have questions, please email




School Counselor: Terri Carney


Work Permits: Find all the information needed to obtain a work permit here:


8th Graders!!! HHS Info!


Classical Academy

Classical Academy at HHS is accepting applications!!!!

The Classical Academy seeks students who are intellectually curious, who are passionate about learning, and who want to deepen their knowledge of the arts and sciences.

Classical Application 2023_2024.docx


Career Technical Education (CTE)

HHS Career Technical Education (CTE) Program:  

Is accepting applications NOW!!!! Please use a parent/guardian email address. School emails do not work for the application. 


Mark your calendar!!


October 25th


The roadshow continues! Eighth graders will have the opportunity to visit HHS during the school day! Eighth graders will have the chance to see programs in action and ask questions of students who are already in these programs! Return permission slips ASAP!!!


November 7, 2024

Middle School Family Night (grades 6-8) at HHS!!! Tour HHS from 6-7:30 and get all of your questions answered! Check out the fabulous programs HHS has to offer!!!


November 12, 2024

Attention Parents of 7th grade students: 

On Tuesday, November 12th, student services will be conducting the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) survey. Please click on the SBIRT link for additional information as well as a link to Opt Out on behalf of your child. 



November 1: Application window opens

November 3rd: Open house from 1-4




Math:  Math WIN cycle #2 starts this week and will continue through December 6th.  As a reminder, WIN stands for “What I Need” and our students will absolutely get what they need!  Students will get enrichment, reinforcement, or intervention material from their classroom teacher, another teacher in the grade, a special education teacher, or from our math interventionists during their WIN block.  Please email with any questions.  


Looking to do some math at home?!  Try some of these!MATHEMATICS AROUND THE HOME


Kindergarten: Students wrapped up our week on fire safety at our fire safety field trip. All K students in the district visited Sacred Hearts School to learn all about fire safety from the Haverhill FD. They all even became junior firefighters!


Grade 3:  Starting next week, all 3rd graders will be assigned a math group for WIN and will work with a 3rd grade teacher,  an interventionist, or a special education teacher to further develop their math skills. This will occur 3 days a week – Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. On Mondays and Fridays students will continue to participate in the WIN block in their classroom. We’re hopeful this will be an impactful instructional period.


Grade 4: 4th Grade families are invited to come into school on November 1st from 9:15-10:15 for our Jack-O-Who Showcase! Students are excited to show off their hard work and creativity! 



7th Grade ELA: 

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

We are excited to inform you that next week, our students will embark on an important narrative writing assignment, which will serve as the final assessment for this unit. 

Throughout the week, students will engage in planning their narratives, creating outlines, and drafting their rough copies. During this process, teachers will hold individual conferences with each student to provide guidance and feedback, ensuring they have the support they need to succeed. 

We encourage you to discuss the narrative with your child and foster their creativity at home.  Thank you for your continued support!

Best regards, 

Mrs. Seed, Mr. Kellerman, Matt Thornton, 7th Grade ELA 

Mrs. Sadrnoori 7th and 8th Grade Literacy Interventionist



8th Grade: We are completing our first “Module” in Math this week. Five more to go! It has been incredible to see the level of engagement and mathematical understanding increase throughout the first module. In module 2, math students will be learning about “Rigid Motion and Congruent Figures.” 

8th graders working together to arrange “Irrational Numbers”

In ELA, Students this week read Shirley Jackson’s classic “The Lottery” and will be discussing its use of allusions as well as irony, especially how the setting contributes to that irony. After this, they will detour to take a district assessment before continuing with the unit. There will be some minor changes to WIN groupings beginning on Monday the 21st.

It was wonderful to meet so many parents at last night’s conferences, if you were unable to attend or to get all of your questions answered in the short time frame, please reach out directly to the teacher. Progress reports are viewable in Schoolbrains and many students have used this as motivation to make adjustments. We will be having our next “Fun Friday” on November 1. Any student who has a failing grade at that point will be mandated to use the time to make up missing assignments. Hopefully, they take the next couple of weeks to get things cleaned up.


HEALTH classes:

Grade 5 just finished their unit on self esteem and its connection to one’s overall health. Next we will be discussing healthy and unhealthy friendships. 

Grade 6 students just wrapped up a unit on practicing healthy habits in which we discussed the many health habits that affect young people’s health and the importance of making healthy habits a regular part of one’s lifestyle. Next unit is on avoiding nicotine use with an emphasis on the consequences of vaping. 

Grade 7 students are completing their unit on setting healthy goals and are currently completing digital vision boards as their culminating project. Ask them to share it with you. They’re amazing! Next unit is preventing underage drinking. 

Grade 8 students just finished an in depth exploration of making healthy decisions where we analyzed many different negative decisions that may face teen. We also used the steps of a decision making model to apply to a variety of scenarios where teens face important decisions. Next we are learning about the dangers associated with illegal drug use. 


NEWS FROM OUR NURSES:   We will be starting 5th grade screening for vision. If your child wears glasses, please make sure you send them to school. 

If you have received a referral please send back as soon as possible. If your child has a physical, please send a copy to the health office so we may keep track of your child’s health needs at school.




Soccer: Both teams took care of business against Whittier on Tuesday. The boys recorded another shutout behind the strength of solid defense and goalkeeper Cole Fryman. Shout out to Ronny De Souza for his two birthday goals, final score 5-0. The Girls earned a W with the captains supplying the leadership, KK scored the lone goal and Celinna helped preserve the shutout in net, final score 1-0.


Here’s the schedule for next week. Notice there’s a makeup game Friday.

10/21: Girls Practice 3:00-4:30pm
10/22: Consentino @TBD Girls play 1st
10/23: No Practice (1/2 Day)
10/24: Boys Practice 3:00-4:30pm
10/25: Nettle @ Golden Hill


Cross Country:  A HUGE thank you to our grade 4 & 5 runners for all of your hard work and dedication this season! You’ve shown such determination and resilience, giving your best effort at every practice and at your meet! Watching each of you improve and support one another has been inspiring. We’re so proud of what you’ve accomplished, and we hope you are proud of yourselves too! Keep up that amazing spirit and congratulations on a fantastic season! 

To our grades 6-8 runners, you have two meets left 10/24 & 10/28) and you’re doing incredibly well! Keep pushing and supporting each other. We can’t wait to see how you finish the season strong! 

A special thank-you goes to our XC parents! Your support and encouragement have made all the difference. We appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into making this season as successful as it has been! 

Your BIGGEST fans,

Coaches Law & Gibbs 


Bocce: The Unified Bocce Ball team will practice on Monday and Wednesday afternoons throughout the month of October from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm in the Hunking gym. Please plan to pick up your player at 4:00 pm following practice at the Hunking main entrance. All that is required for your child is a good pair of sneakers and a positive attitude! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Langlais or Ms. Carella. 

In addition, the Haverhill High School Unified Basketball Team has extended an invitation to the Hunking Unified Bocce Ball Team to come and support their game on Tuesday October 29th at 4:00 at the Haverhill High School gym. This will be their senior night which will include concessions, unified merchandise, and the opportunity to take a selfie with “Bones,” a skeleton who is the unofficial mascot of the team. Transportation for attendance at this game will not be provided but we hope to see you there to support another Unified Sport being offered in Haverhill that your athletes will be able to participate in in just a few short years!


SKI CLUB: Ski Bradford offers an after-school, six week, ski and snowboard program for students in the 3rd – 8th grade attending the Hunking & Bradford Elementary schools.
This popular program offers lessons to beginners and open skiing or snowboarding for students. The Ski Club is being offered to Hunking/Bradford on Friday nights beginning

on Friday, January 10, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. The last day to register is Friday, November 15th and final payment is due by Saturday, November 23rd (sorry, no exceptions!).

Note: Transportation IS NOT provided to Hunking students. Lessons are only for Level 1 & 2 (no level 3) and lessons will be in the LEARNING AREA ONLY.


Group Pricing:       Make Check Payable to:  Hunking PTO 

Lift Only:                                                                  $220.00

Ski or Snowboard Lesson (includes chair lift): $360.00

Ski or Snowboard Rentals:                                    $140.00

Lessons & Rentals                                                    $500.00

Helmet Rental                                                           $ 30.00


There are a limited number of spaces available so please register early and on time. If you want to sign up your child, please read & complete the entire packet that includes:

  • Program Enrollment Form                     
  • Program Guidelines
  • Liability Waiver Form (each student)  
  • Equipment Rental Form (optional)

 Please register online at or scan the QR code below. Included on the website are enrollment & waiver forms and

you can make a payment by check or credit card.  Return forms to the school office attention Hunking Ski Club (limited supply of enrollment forms at the school office).

The enrollment and liability waiver form are for Ski Bradford and must be signed for each student.  By completing the enrollment form, you are consenting to have read

the program guidelines and will instruct your child to follow these rules as outlined. We look forward to welcoming your child to the ski club!  Please feel free to share this information with other parents from Hunking / Bradford School.

Ski Club Coordinator Contact Information: Lisa Antolick, or M: 781-640-4212




Drama Club:  There is no drama club meeting next week, students should take that time to practice for auditions.  Auditions for BeetleJuice Jr will be on October 28 and October 29 from 3:00 to 6:00 after school, students are not required to stay till 6, time slots are available, sign up in google classroom, please see Mr. K or Mrs. Fairbrother if you can not get a timeslot.  If any one is going as Beetlejuice this year and would like to donate their costumes to the production it would be greatly appreciated. We need about 12 Beetlejuice costumes of all sizes, mostly child size, but can work with other sizes.


GRIT: We have rescheduled our GRIT trip to La Vida Ropes course from October 25 to Friday, November 1. Because of that change, GRIT will meet on Monday, 10/21, and Monday, 10/28. During our last meeting, we focused on “Turning Over a New Leaf,” as the group was given a difficult task that really put our ability to all get on the same page to the test. Of course, we met that challenge head-on and were successful in completing it.


Chorus: Chorus is getting ready for two performances in November! We will be performing at a UMass Lowell Hockey game vs. BU on Sat Nov 9th! See the flier below for details, we’d love for you to come support our singing Bobcats! The chorus will also be performing a piece at the Hunking Thanksgiving Feast! Any questions, please reach out to Ms. Avalos.

Hunking Chorus l Nov9



NJHS: The NJHS calendar can be found here.  Thank you to everyone who supported our Bake Sale fundraiser.  We are well on our way to planning an 8th grade trip to MIT and grade 7 to Phillips Andover.


GSA: The calendar for the GSA can be found here. The next meeting is next Friday, October 25th.


LEGO Club will be gearing up to begin in November. It will be open to 4th and 5th grade students, but there will also be a cohort of 6th through 8th graders who will be called on to help the younger grades in those club meets. Those older students will also have a monthly “free build” to themselves. 


Student CouncilStudent Council Meeting Calendar can be found here. This calendar does not include committee meetings scheduled by each group as needed.


Model UN: We had a great turn out at our first meeting but it’s not too late—our next meeting is Tuesday, October 22nd from 2:55-3:45. Permission slips are available outside Mrs. Seed’s room (213). If you have any questions, email




-Please make sure that your student(s) are coming to school daily with a fully charged chromebook. 


HPS has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the Chromebooks that students have been issued. The cost of coverage for the year is $20 and includes accidental damage, loss, fire, and theft. As of right now, families have the option to sign up during the month of September (we will let you know if it extends). After sign up closes, only new students will be given a special code to sign up at registration. Our website explains SDC and has instructions on how to signing up online:


-Please make sure that you are sending your student(s) with a water bottle. We have a limited supply of cups and we do not have access to water fountains, only water bottle filling stations. 


SCHOOL POLICIES: Please click on the link below to review Hunking policies including cell phone, dress code, and pick up & drop off procedures: