Mr. Betty’s 1st Bobcat Bulletin (7/28/22)

As we approach August and close in on the first day of the 2022-2023 school year, I wanted to take the opportunity to update families on some ongoing and upcoming activities and events, as well as a few other important things heading into the school year:



As students and families continue to enjoy their summer, my excitement continues to grow for this upcoming school year and my opportunity to be the Principal here at Hunking School! I have had the opportunity to meet several staff, students, and families over the past several weeks. Everyone has been so welcoming and has provided valuable insight and feedback on their Hunking experience which I am extremely grateful for. 

I would like families to know what some of my early goals as the Hunking Principal are:

-To build community within our school building and with all of our families. The goal is to plan and provide school/community events that people can be excited about and to start traditions here that garner buy-in from all stakeholders. 

-To establish clear, consistent routines and structures for all students that focus on character. It is important to know that on top of the priority of each student’s education in the classroom, we are also preparing students throughout their 9 years here to be good citizens that we are sending off to high school and into the world. It is important that we also focus on character traits such as: Responsibility, Accountability, Honesty, Kindness, and Respect. If we focus on these traits from an early age, the goal is that by the time they are in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade that it will be a natural part of their routine and second nature to them. This is the goal to continue to shift the culture to continue to foster a school that promotes a safe and positive learning environment for all students. 

-In order to be successful and establish positive relationships with all stakeholders, it will be important that I am present throughout the building on a daily basis. It is my goal to be in classrooms, the cafeteria, outside at recess, present for arrival & dismissal on a daily basis. 

-Change takes time, and too many initiatives or ideas at once is not usually a successful endeavor, so it is a goal of mine to keep my eyes open and be ready to listen. As I observe and continue to gather information from stakeholders about Hunking, it will allow me to make informed decisions as to how to best move forward. 

-This may not exactly be a short term goal, but I would like to be here at least through this incoming kindergarten class graduating 8th grade. 



We are currently preparing a back to school family event for all Hunking community members for Thursday, September 8th from 5-7:30pm here outside of Hunking! We will have games, activities, and food for students and families to enjoy. Please stay tuned for further details in the upcoming weeks, but make sure to mark your calendars!!



I wanted to let everyone know that there are still time slots available for the month of August. I am extremely grateful to the dozens of families that I have already had the opportunity to visit with throughout the month of July. I have appreciated the opportunity to begin building those relationships and connections with you and your students, and equally appreciate all of the information and feedback that you have shared. 

I hope that many more families will take the opportunity to sign up for a visit throughout the month of August. If you are interested, please click the link where you can sign up for a date and time for me to come out to your home. If the available times do not work with your schedule, you can contact me directly to propose a time during regular business hours, or after and I will try to accommodate that to the best of my ability.



The Hunking PTO is actively looking for parent volunteers to join and become members. Please click the link below for more information:



We will be conducting an Open house for all Hunking families the night before school begins on Monday, August 29th. We will be sending more details to all families in the next couple of weeks, so please stay tuned…



Students in grades 1-8 will report to their first day of school on Tuesday, August 30th

Friday, September 2nd is an early release day for all students. Dismissal will be at 11:05am.

There will be no school on Monday, September 5th (Labor Day) & Tuesday, September 6th (Election Day). 

Kindergarten students will begin on Wednesday, September 7th. Please stay tuned for more specific information on Kindergarten screenings and open house…



Hunking is currently looking to find additional lunch/recess monitors for the upcoming school year. If you or anyone you know is interested and would like further detail, please contact the school directly. Thank you!



Cell phones tend to be an issue in schools, especially in my experience with Middle School students. 

I want all families and students to know how cell phones will be handled here at Hunking moving forward. 

-Cell phones are not allowed to be used throughout the school day. The expectation is that the phone is turned off and put away. 

-If students are found to be using their cell phone for any purpose the following policy will be followed:

-1st offense: Cell phone will be confiscated and submitted to the main office where the student can get the phone back at the end of the day with a warning. 

-2nd offense: Cell phone will be confiscated and submitted to the main office where a parent/guardian will need to pick up the phone.

-3rd offense: Cell phone will be confiscated and submitted to the main office where a parent/guardian will need to pick up the phone and the student will be issued an office detention. 

-4th offense: Cell phone will be confiscated and submitted to the main office where a parent/guardian will need to pick up the phone and a meeting will need to take place in order to establish a contract where phone can either be dropped off at arrival time and picked up at dismissal, or the phone is not allowed in school. 

-Students will not be allowed to have cell phones in the bathroom. Students will need to leave their phones face down on their desk when leaving for the bathroom. 

-We recognize the importance for students to have cell phones, but we respectfully ask for your support in reinforcing the cell phone rules. If there is ever a reason for a student to call home, I am happy to allow them to utilize my office phone. Also, if you have to get in touch with your student, we would ask that you please contact the main office during school hours. 



Please enjoy the rest of your summer and stay tuned for more important information in the weeks to come. Also, please do not ever hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, comments, concerns at

I’m looking forward to a great partnership with the Hunking Community!!