Bobcat Bulletin
C.D. Hunking School | March 6, 2022
Students in second grade experienced a virtual author visit from Michelle Nelson-Schmidt on Friday. Students were so engaged listening to her and had many great questions. We are grateful that one of our literacy interventionists, Nicole Powers, coordinated this!
We celebrated Read Across America Day on Wednesday. There were many students dressed up as their favorite character from a book. I enjoyed reading in Ms. Conforti’s classroom on Friday. No matter what age, students love being read to!
Haverhill Public Schools has partnered with McLean Hospital to provide two virtual parent workshops this year. The second of these events will occur on Friday, March 11th from 12-1:30pm. The event will also be translated in Spanish and presented virtually on Friday, March 25th from 12-1:30pm. This workshop is called Raising a Resilient Child and will provide families with ready-to-use strategies to help their children approach difficult challenges in life. Please see the Parent Coaching Flyer March or Parent Coaching Flyer March Spanish for more information.
Geskus Studios & Yearbook Publishing will be taking class pictures on March 17 and is working with grade 8 students and Mr. Thornton, our yearbook advisor, to create our Grade 8 Yearbook. Please see the promotion flyer Families & Geskus.
3/10 K-8 Grades Close
3/16 Early Release at 11:05AM – Staff PD
3/17 Class pictures
3/18 K-8 Report Cards Issued
4/15 No School
4/18-4/22 No School – Spring Recess
Volleyball – coached by Mr. Wood
3/8 3:30 Hunking AT Whittier (girls play first)
3/10 3:30 Hunking vs Consentino (boys play first)
The next meeting of the Gay-Straight Alliance will be after school in Room 300 on Tuesday, March 8th.
The next PTO meeting will be held on 4/1 at 6:30PM in the Hunking library. Childcare will be provided.
4/5 Grade 7 & 8 ELA Session 1
4/6 Grade 5 & 6 ELA Session 1
4/7 Grade 3 & 4 ELA Session 1
4/11 Grade 7 & 8 ELA Session 2
4/12 Grade 5 & 6 ELA Session 2
4/13 Grade 3 & 4 ELA Session 2
4/27 Grade 5 & 6 Math Session 1
4/28 Grade 7 & 8 Math Session 1
4/29 Grade 3 & 4 Math Session 1
5/3 Grade 5 & 6 Math Session 2
5/4 Grade 7 & 8 Math Session 2
5/5 Grade 3 & 4 Math Session 2
5/10 Grade 5 & 8 Science Session 1
5/12 Grade 5 & 8 Science Session 2
To access school-related information, including grades and report cards:
If you need help with this please email support at Please have the following included in any email to Portal Support:
- Full Name
- Full name of child(ren)
- Full email address (be sure to contact Portal Support from this same email)
- Your child(ren)’s Grade Level(s) and School(s)
- Detailed explanation of issue
Please make sure your student comes to school every day with a charged Chromebook.
You have the opportunity to protect the Chromebook issued to your student by paying a Device Waiver Fee. This $20 fee will cover a single incident of damage or repair for the school year. It will not cover lost equipment. If the annual optional Damage Waiver Fee is not purchased, the typical cost of repairing components is as follows, and an invoice would be sent to the family:
- Charger – $39
- LCD Screen – $80
- Top Cover (keyboard, trackpad, etc.) – $139
- Device Replacement (when damage to the device is unrepairable) – $199
If you would like to submit your $20 (per student), please send it to Shelley MacRae in the main office. Make checks payable to: Haverhill Public Schools