Bobcat Bulletin
C.D. Hunking School | February 27, 2022
The health office will be administering hearing and vision screenings.
Wednesday, March 2 is Read Across America Day. Students in grade K-2 are invited to dress up as their favorite book character.
3/2 Read Across America Day
3/10 K-8 Grades Close
3/16 Early Release at 11:05AM – Staff PD
3/18 K-8 Report Cards Issued
4/15 No School
4/18-4/22 No School – Spring Recess
Congratulations to the girls’ basketball team and coach Gibbs for being the 2021-2022 middle school champions! The plaque is prominently displayed in our main hallway display case.
Mr. Wood will be coaching the girls and boys volleyball teams.
Monday 3:00-4:30 – Girls practice
Tuesday 3:00-4:30 – Boys practice
Grade 7 Families
On March 2, 2022 our school counseling staff, along with our School Adjustment Counselors will begin a health screening called SBIRT. SBIRT stands for Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment. SBIRT is used to screen for alcohol, nicotine, tobacco, and other drug use. This health screening is required by Massachusetts law. Students in grade 7 will take part in this screening which takes about 5-10 minutes. All school counseling staff will have one-on-one conversations with students. They will ask students about alcohol, nicotine, tobacco, or other drug use over the past year. Staff will then talk with each student about how to support their overall health, safety, and success in school. If the student needs more assessment or support, staff may work with the student and/or their parent/guardian.
Please note:
- Screening results are documented. NO information that could identify a student is kept (for example, name or date of birth).
- Screening results will not go into the student’s school record.
- Screening results will not be shared without the permission of the student or their parent/guardian. However, results may be shared in the case of immediate medical emergency, or when required by state law.
As with any school health screening, you can opt your child out of this process. Students themselves may also choose not to take part. If you do not want your child to participate in this screening or you have questions, contact
Holly DeLuca at
Please opt your child out by February 28, 2022.
The next PTO meeting will be held virtually on 3/1 at 6:30PM. You may join using this link:
4/5 Grade 7 & 8 ELA Session 1
4/6 Grade 5 & 6 ELA Session 1
4/7 Grade 3 & 4 ELA Session 1
4/11 Grade 7 & 8 ELA Session 2
4/12 Grade 5 & 6 ELA Session 2
4/13 Grade 3 & 4 ELA Session 2
4/27 Grade 5 & 6 Math Session 1
4/28 Grade 7 & 8 Math Session 1
4/29 Grade 3 & 4 Math Session 1
5/3 Grade 5 & 6 Math Session 2
5/4 Grade 7 & 8 Math Session 2
5/5 Grade 3 & 4 Math Session 2
5/10 Grade 5 & 8 Science Session 1
5/12 Grade 5 & 8 Science Session 2
To access school-related information, including grades and report cards:
If you need help with this please email support at Please have the following included in any email to Portal Support:
- Full Name
- Full name of child(ren)
- Full email address (be sure to contact Portal Support from this same email)
- Your child(ren)’s Grade Level(s) and School(s)
- Detailed explanation of issue
Please make sure your student comes to school every day with a charged Chromebook.
You have the opportunity to protect the Chromebook issued to your student by paying a Device Waiver Fee. This $20 fee will cover a single incident of damage or repair for the school year. It will not cover lost equipment. If the annual optional Damage Waiver Fee is not purchased, the typical cost of repairing components is as follows, and an invoice would be sent to the family:
- Charger – $39
- LCD Screen – $80
- Top Cover (keyboard, trackpad, etc.) – $139
- Device Replacement (when damage to the device is unrepairable) – $199
If you would like to submit your $20 (per student), please send it to Shelley MacRae in the main office. Make checks payable to: Haverhill Public Schools