Bobcat Bulletin
C.D. Hunking School | January 2, 2022
Happy New Year!
The Wednesday before the holiday break we recognized students who exemplify Bobcat PRIDE daily. Each student received a certificate acknowledging the achievement during their grade level lunch and the students chosen at each grade level were entered into a raffle. One winner was randomly chosen at each grade level and received a gift card supplied by our PTO. Keep up the PRIDE Bobcats!
1/14 Early Release at 11:05 students only – staff PD
1/17 No School – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
2/7 K-8 Progress Reports issued
2/10 K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences
2/18 Early Release at 11:05 students only – staff PD
2/21 No School – Washington’s Birthday
2/22-2/25 No School – Winter Recess
Basketball and Cheerleading has been postponed until at least January 10, 2022.
Skiing/Snowboarding will begin at Ski Bradford this Friday, 1/7 for those who have already signed up. Lessons begin at 5:30PM and lifts are open from 5:00-9:00PM.
Access testing will begin the week of January 10. Our English Language Learners will be participating in this assessment over the course of a few weeks with their ELL teachers.
The next PTO meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held on 1/4 at 6:30 PM. It will be held virtually. The Zoom ID: 919 5240 1643.
To access school-related information, including grades and report cards:
If you need help with this please visit the “Parents & Student Resources” section on the Haverhill Public School website.
Please make sure your student comes to school every day with a charged Chromebook.
You have the opportunity to protect the Chromebook issued to your student by paying a Device Waiver Fee. This $20 fee will cover a single incident of damage or repair for the school year. It will not cover lost equipment. If the annual optional Damage Waiver Fee is not purchased, the typical cost of repairing components is as follows, and an invoice would be sent to the family:
- Charger – $39
- LCD Screen – $80
- Top Cover (keyboard, trackpad, etc.) – $139
- Device Replacement (when damage to the device is unrepairable) – $199
If you would like to submit your $20 (per student), please send it to Shelley MacRae in the main office. Make checks payable to: Haverhill Public Schools