Bobcat Bulletin 1/9/22

Bobcat Bulletin

C.D. Hunking School | January 9, 2022

I hope everyone enjoyed the snow day!

We try to get students outside for recess daily. There are days we are unable to do so because of inclement weather or due to frigid temperatures, despite many students still begging to go outside. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for winter in New England, including a coat, hat, and gloves. If your child needs any of these items please email me.

We have hats and mittens/gloves on our tree in the lobby for students who need them. We will continue to accept donations of new items that we will add to the tree as they come in. Send them to the main office. We also have new backpacks under the tree for students who need one.

Please click MCAS Calendar – Google Docs for the calendar of dates for MCAS. Students will test in April and May. 

Parents often ask me what supplies their child’s classroom may need. I think any classroom would welcome Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, tissues, and paper towels. Feel free to ask a teacher specifically for their classroom needs though.


1/14 Early Release at 11:05 students only – staff PD

1/17 No School – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

2/7 K-8 Progress Reports issued

2/10 K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences

2/18 Early Release at 11:05  students only – staff PD

2/21 No School – Washington’s Birthday

2/22-2/25 No School – Winter Recess


UPDATE! Basketball and Cheerleading has been postponed another week until at least January 17, 2022. 

UPDATE! Skiing/Snowboarding will begin at Ski Bradford this Friday, 1/14 for those who have already signed up. Lessons begin at 5:30PM and lifts are open from 5:00-9:00PM.


The window for Access testing has been extended so we will be postponing the start of testing for a few weeks. A new start date will be forthcoming.

Student Council – Advisors Ms. Pouliot, Ms. Godfrey, Ms. Riley

Grade 6, 7 and 8 members will meet on 1/12, 2/16, 3/9, 4/13, 5/18 from 3:00-4:00PM in Room 113. If you haven’t returned your permission slip, return it at the first meeting. Please make sure students have transportation home at 4:00PM.


The next PTO meeting will be held on 2/1 at 6:30PM. Stay tuned for whether the meeting will be held in person or virtually.


To access school-related information, including grades and report cards:
If you need help with this please visit the “Parents & Student Resources” section on the Haverhill Public School website.


Please make sure your student comes to school every day with a charged Chromebook.

You have the opportunity to protect the Chromebook issued to your student by paying a Device Waiver Fee. This $20 fee will cover a single incident of damage or repair for the school year. It will not cover lost equipment. If the annual optional Damage Waiver Fee is not purchased, the typical cost of repairing components is as follows, and an invoice would be sent to the family:

  • Charger – $39
  • LCD Screen – $80
  • Top Cover (keyboard, trackpad, etc.) – $139
  • Device Replacement (when damage to the device is unrepairable) – $199

If you would like to submit your $20 (per student), please send it to Shelley MacRae in the main office. Make checks payable to: Haverhill Public Schools


Personal Responsibility ○ Integrity ○ Determination ○ Excellence